It was a beautiful day outside. A clear sunny day with large white clouds formed in the sky. The perfect hot summer. The right amount of humidity made every scene slow and kind of sensual. Daryl sat at a small round table, his usual spot, with just the right parcel of sunlight at The Bay. Traffic whizzed by while lunch people went about their strolling. The sun felt really charming.
Life was incredibly good. And he knew it. He had everything he want. A beautiful and supportive wife who is also successful in her own business venture. He had it all, a city he loved, a new novel. Daryl’s a writer. Everything felt good and much better now that his novel’s slowly blossoming, his characters were all coming to life.
“You know one of these days you’ll get sick and tired being married to a starving writer and you’ll say ‘I’m done! I’ve had enough.’ And will just walk out.” He had watched her face serenely as she shook her head and let out a sheepish smile in the warm sunlight four summer years ago. “You don’t look like you’re starving to me.” Smiled some more and lightly brushed her lips on his lips. “I love you, Daryl.” “You’re crazy! But I love you too.” It had been a really bumpy summer for him. He hadn’t made a single cent with his writing in eight months. “Why am I crazy? Because I respect your kind of work? Because I think you’re a good husband even if you don’t work in some multi-million-billion company? So what? Who gives a damn about that shit? Do you? Do you miss it so much or are you just gonna use it to make things difficult for yourself for the rest of your life?” There was a slight tinge of bitterness in her voice, mixed with anger. “Why can’t you just enjoy what you are? Feel good about yourself and what you can do. A writer and a good one. You know sometimes its not all about the money. We don’t starve. We have more than enough. I’m happy and contented and I love you. Although sometimes you make me feel so mad.” A smile began to warm her face again as he leaned over and kissed her. She ran a finger slowly up the inside of his thigh, watching her with that quiet smile of hers, and it tingled all over.
He still remembered it. Perfectly.
Thinking of her made him smile as he watched people at the other tables. If Lizzie had been here they would’ve been laughing right now. She’d definitely be wearing something outrageous. Something that will make people look at her and be intrigued. Something that will make her more interesting. Thinking of her like that drew his attention to the woman in the straw hat a few tables away. He hadn’t seen her before. And he thought she was definitely worth seeing. On a hot sunny afternoon having consumed two bottles of beer which is just his limit to himself when out drinking alone, he could barely see her face.
She had slender arms and pretty hands with no ring. Meaning, single? Maybe. He watched her as she sip her drink through a straw. He felt a familiar tingle as he thought of his wife and watched the girl in that hat. It was a damn shame Lizzie wasn’t home. It was a day to go to the beach, and swim, and sweat and get covered with sand and rub your hands all over each other. The way the woman in the straw hat sensually moved her lips on the straw in her drink bothered him. It made him want Lizzie. Now.
To be continued…